Happy New Year 2017!


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

Yes, I'm still alive! Last time I wrote to you was on August 16 to close the summer holidays, but since August 22, I put all my energy into teaching, that I love, and the rest of the time, I slept... Unfortunately, my body takes a hit when I teach, but I still have a smile on my face thanks to my smart, charming and fun students.

So it's December 25, 2016 and I'm at home, terribly unwell with a cold. I did, however, have the masked visit of Mamie and Dieter yesterday morning. They played Mrs Claus and Santa by bringing me presents, a small tree all decorated and the usual Christmas Eve meal: oysters, stuffed eggs, mini lobster guedilles, potato pancakes with sour cream, gravlax and apple sauce, cucumber salad and a little foie gras with that! It was a delicious meal, savored watching a good movie and then going to bed with a full stomach.

It was very important not to contaminate Mrs Claus and Santa !

Maintenant que j'ai été bien gâtée, je dois sérieusement m'occuper de mon corps... J'ai pris la photo ci-dessous pour faire un suivi de mon état suite au début d'un traitement choc à la cortisone pour remédier à mes problèmes physiques dû à mon travail adoré qui laisse des séquelles !

Now that I've been spoiled, I seriously have to take care of my body... I took the photo below to follow up on my condition after the beginning of a shock treatment of cortisone to try and eliminate my physical problems due to my beloved work that leaves me with many aftereffects.

First day of treatment. Not bad for a sick person!

 After a few days only...

I will keep my lodger Moka company and he will soon be sexier than me...

On this note, I wish you a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2017!

My only resolution for this year is to get to June in one, not so damaged, piece! 😆😆😆

Big kiss to all!


Good News!


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My friends, my loved ones,

The end of summer is approaching and I'm starting to teach next week so, before time runs out, I absolutely must share with you the good news:

It's official, I am a McGill graduate!

 An A student !

I also have a new recipe on my web site www.myappetiteforitaly.com

Spaghetti à la carbonara

And finally, here are a few pictures of my summer in Notre-Dame-du-Portage.

My charming little chalet

My improvised office

Beautiful sunsets

Future watercolor paintings?

The du Temples stuffing themselves!

I wish us a good return to school, to the office, to fall, well to reality!



Happy Birthday to Me once again!


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My appetite for Italy

I miei amici, I miei amori,

È il mio compleanno oggi!  Viva l'Italia! Viva Positano!

Ah, excuse me. Not being in Italy this year, I have to speak a little Italian and imagine myself in Positano so as not to get too depressed... Unfortunately, even though I speak the language of love and look at photos from my past, not being in my beautiful adopted country is depressing. Aging in Italy is much easier than getting old here... Go figure... Fortunately, family and good friends cheered me up. We had a good laugh, ate well and drank well...

Delicious Italian meal at Hostaria with Mamie and Dieter.

The Bélanger/St-Germain came for a visit.

Josée and I did crazy things, as usual...

Another year passed too quickly, but another exceptional year to come.

Thank you my friends and loves ones!
