The Year is Ending Very Well


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

Since my last blog, many things have happened, so let me tell you all about it.

Firstly, I started by paleo diet a month and a half ago and I’ve lost 17 pounds! As a result, I am less out of breath when I walk up the big hill of Victoria Avenue, I can now wear the skirts and pants I had hidden in the wardrobe of hope, as would say my friend Josée, and I don’t have stomach pain anymore. I feel great, which encourages me to continue. However, to keep a good moral and to consider following this diet long term, I indulge in a small treat once a week and when my stomach is not happy, believe me it lets me know! I then realize which foods are irritating and this allows me to refocus to meet my objective.

Secondly, my shock wave treatments have done their job as after examining my shoulders with ultrasound, the doctor noticed that the calcium deposits had broken into pieces and we now need to continue cortisone infiltrations to make those pieces small enough for my body to eliminate them on its own. Also the cortisone takes away the pain, so I am finally relieved! As for my left knee, the doctor had to extract accumulated water that made walking painful. Another thing to monitor!

Thirdly, I experienced a little misadventure two weeks ago. I was leaving for work and, when came time to open my sectional garage door dating from the beginning of the 20thcentury…, it was stuck. I pulled on the handle and turned the key in all directions until it bent… nothing to be done. F&?@!!! After 5 minutes of sweating and cursing, I called a taxi to arrive at work 2 minutes before the bell rang, which for me is much too late! The day was off to a bad start… The concierge came in the evening to show me the necessary choreography to open the door: push the top of the door with both hands to unjam it and before it jams again, quickly catch the handle and pull. Ya, sure buddy! Luckily I was cortisoned to the max! A technician came a few days later to repair it. Fiouf!

Fourthly, now that winter has arrived, the sun is lower and plunges in my living room to the point where I melt under extreme heat! This is now the necessary accoutrement to pass time in the living room in the morning:

Fifthly, in April 2019, my beautiful blue Subaru Outback would have been 12 years old. My sweetheart has been good to me during all those years, but she is unfortunately starting to show signs of aging and the dollar signs are only accumulating during her maintenance, despite her low mileage. I had to make a decision and this is what happened:

I gave in when I saw the retro wheel covers!

Notice on the first picture my ex at the left rear of my new baby. It is only after the picture was taken that I realized the cruelty of the situation…

Talk to you soon my friends, my loved ones!
