Seafood and Career Choice


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I began my day at 1 p.m. La dolce vita. At Chez Black, I choose sauted seafood with garlic and olive oil, but first I would like to eat once again the cherry tomato mini-pizza I had last night. I wait for Pepe to give him my order and I see him arrive with, oh yes, a cherry tomato mini-pizza! Do you believe me now when I say they know me well! 

So simple and so delicious!

Savouring my pizza as I lick my fingers, I receive my bowl of seafood. How can I describe this pure delight… The bowl is filled with clams, baby clams and mussels and the sauce coating the bottom of the bowl consists of the cooking juices of the mollusks, garlic and olive oil. That is it. A basket of fresh Italian bread is placed at the table as an accompaniment. As I take each shell between my fingers to extract the meaty flesh with my teeth, I taste the sea, then I dip pieces of bread in the sauce and I can only close my eyes with pleasure. I honestly think I was born to live here and eat this dish every day. 

That’s it! I have found my goal in life: eat seafood and while I’m at it, welcome the uniformed boat captains stopping by to visit Positano for the day and write to you about it on my blog. It is my new career choice: savoring seafood, welcoming uniformed boat captains and writing. Someone has to do it!

I must mention a few things concerning the people who visit Positano. I’m not talking about the tourists, who identify themselves just by the way they are dressed, but the other specimen: the children of the nouveau-riche arriving by yacht or limousine from Capri, Ravello, Amalfi and even Naples to be seen in the beautiful city of Positano. This specimen exhibits the following characteristics: good-looking, slim, tanned, clean, stylish hair, proper makeup and wearing the latest couture and don’t even get me started on the beautiful shoes! I always take pleasure in observing this specimen strut along the boardwalk and making sure they are seen even as to pose once in a while to impress the crowd. I must confess that I do not envy the specimen because as beautiful as it may be, it has not been blessed either by the size or the efficiency of its brain. I can only envy the beautiful shoes! I may not have a slender waist line anymore, my ass will never look like it did at 20, my flabby arms will never be tight as when I was 16, but I find much comfort in the fact that I would rock those fuck-me shoes!

I’ve noticed many changes in Positano. I think there’s a new mayor in town because the city has never been this alive so early in the season:

-        The streets, what am I saying, the main street is much narrower, which I thought impossible in the past, as parking for Vespas is now permitted in many more places, causing horrible traffic;

-        All the kiosks for boat tours are up and running;

-        One of the kiosks on the dock which sells ice cream and sodas during the day is converted into a bar with music at night;

-        The Music on the Rocks discotheque, built in the rocks, is open each night instead of Fridays only and opens at 11:30 p.m. instead of midnight;

-        An ATM has been placed on the walkway between the basilica and the beach. You can now confess your sins then commit more sins after collecting a lot of cash in the ATM;

-         I see much less animals left to their own devices doing their doodoo everywhere, which explains Giovanni’s adoption.

It's a new day and I give in to nostalgia by returning to my favorite boutiques to buy shoes and pottery and to say hello to my friends I spent time with each day during my three-month adventure. I have lunch at La Cambusa to once again stuff my face with seafood. I must be careful not to overdose like last time! But no chance to overdose on Aperol Spritz!

Another night at the hotel restaurant to savour a delicious Bresaola carpaccio with arugula and Parmesan followed by a rack of lamb served with small potatoes and green peas. I finish my meal with another breast! Delicious!

When I travel, I am always surprised by the way tourists act. A couple close by hold hands, bow their heads and pray before eating their meal. I’m not judging at all, it is just very unfamiliar to me. I am surprised when I see women relentlessly lick their knives during their meal. Now I’m judging! Stop you Cro-Magnon women! I am always surprised of men that come to eat in a dining room, and not the snack bar, dressed with flip-flops, Bermuda shorts and a baseball cap. Now I’m judging again! It makes me nauseous seeing their hairy toes and their disgusting toenails! I demand the return of a dress code in dining rooms! OK, I’ve had my fit…

I wake up the next morning with a sore throat. I know someone who gave me his cold! I gargle warm salt water hoping not to suffer too much later on. Sorry in advance to all passengers I may contaminate in the plane Saturday morning!

Last day in Positano and the weather is sublime! Sun, sun and more sun! I soak in a few rays of sunshine, I relax, I willingly accept to be contaminated again by the same guilty party, I continue to gargle warm salted water, I drink an Apérol Spritz, then another, I eat lobster and pasta and even sick, I’m the happiest girl in the world.

Diane xxx...