

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I am once again hit by chaos! In my last blog, one of my predictions was to move in the fall into a condo with a waterfront view. Well, hang on to your hats my friends, the adventure has begun earlier than planned!

I put my condo for sale Tuesday, February 20th and the sale was finalized 15 days later! I never thought it would go so quickly at such an enticing amount. This can seem to be very good news, but the problem was the lack of interesting properties on the market. I was actively looking for over a year in different neighbourhoods, different styles, without success. So, I’ve decided to rent an upper duplex for a year or two or until I find a real jewel with a waterfront view.

But this is where chaos arises!

I must leave my condo on May 22nd, but my new place is not available before July 1st. I shall live in an Airbnb from the 22nd to July 3rd (the 3rd because the hourly rate for movers is lower after the 1st and this, only in Quebec!). However, the current tenant is looking for a property in Boston and if she finds what she desires in a couple of weeks, I would then move at an earlier date!

But during all of this commotion, I must remind you that I am working four days a week since March 19th as the teacher who was to go on April 1st on his paternity leave decided to take off two weeks earlier following the few contractions announcing the great event. The beautiful girl finally made an appearance on April 1st, Easter Sunday.

All of this story to tell you that I am currently living in boxes, then living with no fixed address for at least a month, and I pray I can move into the new place a few weeks earlier as Notre-Dame-du-Portage awaits me and my body will greatly need the rest, the earlier the better!

As I relive the same scenario as five years ago to the day, when I was with no fixed address on my return from a three-month stay in Positano, I take comfort in looking at a few pictures of the new place:

It is the ideal apartment for great Italian meals with friends and loved ones. Since I will leave for Portage as soon as the last box is placed in the new apartment, I will officially settle in my new quarters in August in hopes of receiving you shortly after!

My friends, my loved ones, wish me good luck. I’ll need it!

Big kisses to all,
