Grand Prix du Canada 2017


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends and loved ones,

Another year, another Grand Prix. Unfortunately, this weekend was spent on my sofa watching the 2017 Canadian Grand Prix race on television…

Last Thursday, after six months of problems and pain in my left foot, my knee had enough of compensating for my limping and I heard “crunch” when I was crossing the street in front of my old school, Collège Marie-de-France, where I was overseeing the Brevet exam of my students.

I had to hop on one leg from the middle of Queen Mary Street to the sidewalk, hoping not to be run over. Luckily, one of my students saw me, ran towards me and offered to accompany me to my car. Having a stick shift, the drive home was painful…

The doctor diagnosed a sprain to my left knee. I now move around on crutches. Unfortunately, I could not see myself going from my place to Stand 1 on île Sainte-Hélène in this state. So I shed a few tears, grieved this year’s Grand Prix and gave my tickets to one of my GP weekend friend’s husband. I was happy he could benefit from them and it warmed my heart and lifted my spirits.

Here are a few pictures of me, my GP gang and the winner, Lewis Hamilton, my prediction for this year. Yeeeesss!

Pitiful state!

My equipment

Nevertheless, I am ready for my Grand Prix
with my t-shirt and this years program
generously given to me by Louis, one of the gang !
Thank you again Louis !
Louis and Hélène the photographer

Hélène and Richard

Hélène and her husband

Jean-Marie, Jonathan and Hélène

The gang without me. Sniff, sniff...

Next stop: Notre-Dame-du-Portage !

Talk to you soon,
