Happy New Year 2017!


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

Yes, I'm still alive! Last time I wrote to you was on August 16 to close the summer holidays, but since August 22, I put all my energy into teaching, that I love, and the rest of the time, I slept... Unfortunately, my body takes a hit when I teach, but I still have a smile on my face thanks to my smart, charming and fun students.

So it's December 25, 2016 and I'm at home, terribly unwell with a cold. I did, however, have the masked visit of Mamie and Dieter yesterday morning. They played Mrs Claus and Santa by bringing me presents, a small tree all decorated and the usual Christmas Eve meal: oysters, stuffed eggs, mini lobster guedilles, potato pancakes with sour cream, gravlax and apple sauce, cucumber salad and a little foie gras with that! It was a delicious meal, savored watching a good movie and then going to bed with a full stomach.

It was very important not to contaminate Mrs Claus and Santa !

Maintenant que j'ai été bien gâtée, je dois sérieusement m'occuper de mon corps... J'ai pris la photo ci-dessous pour faire un suivi de mon état suite au début d'un traitement choc à la cortisone pour remédier à mes problèmes physiques dû à mon travail adoré qui laisse des séquelles !

Now that I've been spoiled, I seriously have to take care of my body... I took the photo below to follow up on my condition after the beginning of a shock treatment of cortisone to try and eliminate my physical problems due to my beloved work that leaves me with many aftereffects.

First day of treatment. Not bad for a sick person!

 After a few days only...

I will keep my lodger Moka company and he will soon be sexier than me...

On this note, I wish you a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2017!

My only resolution for this year is to get to June in one, not so damaged, piece! 😆😆😆

Big kiss to all!
