A Therapeutic Summer


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My appetite for Italy 

My friends, my loved ones,

My time at Notre-Dame-du-Portage will end shortly and I can only sum everything up in one word: 


My vacation consists of getting up in the morning whenever my body can, doing the exercises suggested by my physiotherapist twice a day in order to strengthen my left knee and heal my sprain, put my left foot, knee and shoulder on ice to reduce the inflammation, eat healthy meaning eat fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes and not drink any alcohol, have a nap whenever my body demands it and go to bed at 8 p.m. to read a bit and fall asleep once again.

It is obviously not very exciting, but very beneficial. I have lost weight, which gives my knee and foot a chance to recuperate. I can walk short distances without my crutches or cane, but my foot is still a problem, which will be dealt with during my appointment at the podiatry clinic when I return from my vacation.

Nevertheless, I still took advantage of a few smooth sunsets, I was gently soothed by the sound of the waves, I enveloped myself in a thick blanket during stormy days, I spent some time with my friends from the Portage and I had a nice visit from Yves, Claude and Bernard as well as Mamie and Dieter.

Created by a talented local artist

Oops! My string festival!

My body still needs to rest, so I must continue at the same pace when I return, but I start teaching on August 24th so I hope with all my heart that my foot will be ready for the first day of school! However, I will only be teaching one day a week and I intend to rest the remainder of the time, even start posting Italian recipes again on my web site? Who knows!

Goodbye for now!
