Happy Birthday to Me once again!


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My appetite for Italy

I miei amici, I miei amori,

È il mio compleanno oggi!  Viva l'Italia! Viva Positano!

Ah, excuse me. Not being in Italy this year, I have to speak a little Italian and imagine myself in Positano so as not to get too depressed... Unfortunately, even though I speak the language of love and look at photos from my past, not being in my beautiful adopted country is depressing. Aging in Italy is much easier than getting old here... Go figure... Fortunately, family and good friends cheered me up. We had a good laugh, ate well and drank well...

Delicious Italian meal at Hostaria with Mamie and Dieter.

The Bélanger/St-Germain came for a visit.

Josée and I did crazy things, as usual...

Another year passed too quickly, but another exceptional year to come.

Thank you my friends and loves ones!
