Happy New Year!


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

It is now time to reflect on 2018 and to predict what will happen to me in 2019!

2018 recap:

My first prediction for 2018 was that winter would be quiet and that I could work on my novel but that spring would be hectic and I would be totally exhausted because I was to replace once again a math teacher on paternity leave. This all came true as I have completed the first twelve chapters of my novel leaving me only 30 more to polish (!!!) and after the replacement, my total exhaustion provoked a long two-month sleep at the cottage!

I also predicted that I would move in the fall to a property on the waterfront and this is where things were rushed. I put my condo for sale on March 5th and twelve days later, I was packing boxes! The move was accelerated by a few months. I unfortunately did not buy a property on the waterfront, but I found myself returning to my childhood neighbourhood where I found a superb apartment that I would never have accepted to buy at the insane prices of the real estate market! Renting suits me perfectly!

I also wished to see my friends more often, but with the move, that wish did not come true! I will try again in 2019!

2019 predictions:

I hope 2019 will be calmer! It will not be too difficult compared to last year… I want to continue writing, practicing Italian with Massimiliano, remain committed to my paleo diet and I want to return to Europe because I miss it too much.

I had a DNA analysis done and I am 98% European! You can now understand the presence of the string tied to my heart that constantly pulls me towards the old continent. You will not be surprised that I am German at 46% but also have ethnic origins from England at 32%, France at 18%, Scotland and Ireland at 2% and Amerindian origins at 2%. I can safely say that my German and English ascendancy are from my father’s side and the three others from my mother’s side. When I say that I finally feel at home when I set foot on European soil, a feeling I do not get here, I am not inventing it. It is an emotion that I feel in my gut and when it is time to come back to Canada, I can only cry asking myself why must I… I don’t want to go back…

Maybe this year is the year where I must be courageous and make decision concerning all that… For more than a year now, I am thinking of taking back my original last name du Temple Deichmann. I think that as I am working on my novel, creating my family tree and searching through papers and stories of the past, I am looking to reclaim my history. Or maybe this quest is du to my very slightly advanced age! Now that my health is better, I must admit that teaching in Europe is going through my mind much more. Germany? Switzerland? Italy? South of France? Why not?

One thing that will be very interesting this year is to see me on June 22nd filling my tiny new car with the luggage for Notre-Dame-du-Portage!

So for 2019, I leave the door open to all possibilities, all adventures, all my dreams and will let you know of my decisions, I promise!

Happy New Year my friends, my loved ones, and may 2019 bring you endless love, overflowing joy and flourishing physical, moral and sexual health!

Big kisses,


P. S.: Here a re a few pictures from the holidays.

 December 24th


What a great idea to soothe my pain!

A garbage! Not a great idea...

December 25th

Gift exchange: hats, tuques, caps

The next morning

Happy New Year!