Happy New Year 2016!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

This fall, I started teaching math again, but unfortunately, it takes away my time to write. So my novel is far from finished... Fortunately, I am still passionate about my story and eager to dive back into it. I still have good news: my website is now available at the following address: www.myappetiteforitaly.com

Thanks to this site, you will now be able to consult my Italian recipes, look at my travel photos and take note of my favorite restaurants from the different cities I visited. You will also notice on the site that it is possible to send your email if you wish to receive a notice for any new recipe posted. The site is available in three languages: English, French and Italian. Buon appetito! As of January 6th, I will finally take the last course of my certificate in translation! Since I will be teaching at the same time, I do not guarantee an A as in the past, I will only be able to do my best. On this snowy day of January 1st, I would like to offer you my best wishes, good health, much love, joy and, my favorite, beautiful trips for the year 2016!

