2024 Canadian Grand Prix

 Version française

My appetite for Italy

 My friends, my loved ones,

We have finally arrived at my favorite weekend of the year: the Canadian Grand Prix of Canada!

For F1 fans, you have to agree that it was the most exciting Grand Prix until now! We savored all possible weather namely sunny skies, violent winds, rain, thunderstorms and hail! There was only missing a few snowflakes to make it complete.

The great departure

Beautiful weather

Bad weather is approaching...

Yowzy yowza!

A perfect weekend!

Drive back home!

And a delicious dinner with friends to end a great weekend.
See you next year!

As usual, after my unforgettable Grand Prix weekend, I run and hide at Notre-Dame-du-Portage too catch up on my sleep and regain strength for the next year.

First try: will my plants survive in my greenhouse?

My two new friends:
Oreo, the semi-albino squirrel and Caudecto, the squirrel with half a tail!

However, my orchids are travelling with me.

I have finally arrived!

Before I let you go, I have a small anecdote to share:

I decided this year to cut my grass myself with my new Ego battery lawnmower that works beautifully, I must say. The first time I used my lawnmower, everything was going smoothly until I heard a “ketonk”. Pretty worried, I leaned over to check for any damage and I saw, to my dismay, a small creature that the very sharp blade of my new lawnmower cut lengthwise exposing its internal organs and two small stumps where its feet were a few seconds before. Traumatized by the killing of this poor creature, I asked for its forgiveness for my inattentiveness and for the senseless murder I’d just committed! I put away my lawnmower and, as I walked back towards the scene of the crime, I crossed paths with a huge toad. With great sadness, I confessed the assassination of, what I thought was, his wife and redirected him to the back of the garden to prevent him from being traumatized by the death of his loved one. You can image that I now take much more time to mow the lawn because I must inspect the grass in front of me not to commit another murder! Cutting the grass is harder than I thought…

I am very proud of my work...
the cutting of the grass, not the murder!

My friends, my loved ones, have a great summer and see you soon, I hope!

Diane xxx...