Happy Birthday to Me!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends and loved ones,

Friday, I return to Rome with my throat and lungs on fire! That does not stop me from meeting Josée, Bobby and Guillaume who are also in Rome at the same time! What a coincidence! They invite me for super to celebrate my upcoming birthday. Of course, we eat at La Taverna dei Fori Imperiali, but not before having a drink in a small eclectic bar!

We are also on the same flight the next day when my throat and lungs decide to catch fire! I have never lived through such a painful flight. Luckily Josée was there to comfort me, rub my back and provide me with lots of pharmaceuticals.

I arrive home at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. At 3:45 p.m., I am showered, in bed, medicated and I don’t get up until 6:30 Monday morning to go to work. Forty hours of sleep can help anyone to get back in shape. I taught with my raunchy voice, consequence of my cold, and my blocked ears, consequence of the altitude change at our arrival.

Finally, it is my xxth birthday today! I am very happy to have been to Positano for this great occasion, even if five days in Positano are never enough and even if the last two days were spent in bed sick as a dog. 

I have no regrets!

To my next trip,
