Last Time


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I know my birthday was a week ago, but I would like to tell you about yesterday, the last celebration of my big day.

For my 18th birthday, my mother asked me what I wanted to do on that special day. Without hesitation, I told her I wanted to eat at the chic Ritz-Carlton. She made a reservation for the Sunday brunch at the Ritz. I still remember what I wore: a sunshine yellow mid-calf-length wide-pleat skirt, a white-cotton-long-sleeve shirt and yellow pumps (I think they were my first fuck-me shoes!). I felt like a beautiful, tall and elegant young woman. True or not, that’s how I felt.

Yesterday, to come full circle, my mother invited me once again to eat at the Ritz. This time, the brunch would be held at La Maison Boulud of the Ritz-Carlton.

Our private salon

Mom, Dieter and I are lead to a private salon with a round table seating five. I don’t question the size of the table, I naïvely assume that Mom wanted a private area and this was the only place left. Why not? We sit side by side and at that moment, Mom tells me two special guests are expected. I have no idea who they can be. But a few minutes later, I see Micheline and Guy enter the salon. I am so happy to see them that tears of joy come to my eyes and make the mascara, I very rarely put on, run down my cheeks. The best gift I could receive on this beautiful day!

Between the five us, we chose:


Asparagus with crusted egg

Beet salad on a bed of warm goat cheese

Smoked salmon with fried egg

Main course:

Tortellini with cream of mushroom sauce

Classic Burger

Eggs with Meurette sauce


Waffles with chocolate sauce, Chantilly cream and maple sirup

Limoncello, blueberry and pear sorbets


We ate like kings, we drank a very good Pinot Blanc from Alsace and we received an excellent service from all the staff who even thought of writing on my plate in icing, “Happy 18th Birthday!” Come on! We were very happy to see each other, to talk, to laugh and to experience a special moment together.

I thank the four of you for a memorable day and thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday.

Now that the big day has passed, I will put all my energy in finished the school year and I am already counting the days left to my vacation at Notre-Dame-du-Portage.

Talk to you soon,
