Bye Bye 2017!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

Another year comes to an end in freezing weather and dreariness, but this does not prevent me from making a review of 2017 as well as my predictions for 2018.

Review of 2017:

Short version: “It’s about f*?$@#* time it ends!”

To be more specific, 2017 has been one of the most rewarding, fulfilling and gratifying years professionally but one of the most exhausting, hazardous and demanding years health-wise and the most disappointing having missed my Grand Prix, which explains my comment in the short version!

My year has been extraordinary because I taught math to two 3rd grade high school classes, four times a week. I had the chance and the pleasure to spend a whole school year with 45 well-rounded, cordial and dynamic young girls. They finished their school year in total exhaustion but proud to have successfully passed their course and the Brevet exam. For the 2017-2018 school year, I was offered to teach three 2nd year high school classes in one full day (from 9 am to 4:30 pm). So I continue to do what I love to do, which is to teach math.

Unfortunately, this same year has been an ordeal as I suffered from beginning to end. I began the year with a cold that lasted for months and I am finishing it with a new one! I began the year with an overdose of cortisone to overcome the pain in my left foot but it transformed me into an inflatable balloon! All of my hopes for a long rest at the end of June disappeared when my left knee decided to break down on me as I crossed the street after monitoring the Brevet final exam: last day of work, last day of walking without crutches! After useless physiotherapy during my summer vacation at Notre-Dame-du-Portage, I decided to end all of this suffering by taking the bull by the horns: cortisone injections.

Two injections in the heel!

Three injections in the knee!

Two injections in the shoulder!
And one in the ass for prosperity!
A few days of convalescence at the du Temple/Radecki 
rehabilitation center in Saint-Sauveur, highly recommended. 
Daily care : white wine and "herbal" gummy candies...😉

Incapable of waking for two days.

It is during these appointments that the doctor discovered with the help of ultrasounds that I have calcareous deposits in every joint! Ye!

Luckily, after six months of suffering, of crutches and a cane, I can finally walk without pain! Hallelujah! All that remains is to figure out with blood tests and X-rays the reason why I accumulate so much calcium in my joints. It remains to be seen…

Christmas this year was snowy but we all managed to meet in Saint-Sauveur.

Christmas Eve 

Santa after a few glasses of wine!

I'm too sexy for my wife!

Christmas day

The real Santa came to town!

The morning after.

I still have a few days before January 1st to get rid of my cold and will then be able to start 2018 in great shape!

Predictions for 2018:

I predict a calm winter during which I will finally be able to work on my novel, but a difficult spring because a math teacher has asked me to replace him again during another paternity leave and the delivery is expected for April 1st! Therefore, I will finish the school year with, as my mother would say, “mon trou d’cul en d’sous du bras,” which Google Translator would translate as “my ass hole under my arm pit” but it really means “I’ll be pooped.” Luckily, Notre-Dame-du-Portage will be there for a big snooze.

I predict I will be teaching math in the fall, since the demand has remained strong for years.

I also predict that I will find my dream property and move in the fall in a high-rise condo with a waterfront view, which water, I do not know, but a waterfront view for sure!

Being in better shape and having more time on my hands, I would like to see my friends more often as I unfortunately had to put aside my social life in 2017 for the reasons mentioned above.

I wish you all a wonderful 2018, health, love, downtime to enjoy life, diners with friends and nice moments among family without too much bickering!

A very big kiss to all of you!


A Therapeutic Summer


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy 

My friends, my loved ones,

My time at Notre-Dame-du-Portage will end shortly and I can only sum everything up in one word: 


My vacation consists of getting up in the morning whenever my body can, doing the exercises suggested by my physiotherapist twice a day in order to strengthen my left knee and heal my sprain, put my left foot, knee and shoulder on ice to reduce the inflammation, eat healthy meaning eat fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes and not drink any alcohol, have a nap whenever my body demands it and go to bed at 8 p.m. to read a bit and fall asleep once again.

It is obviously not very exciting, but very beneficial. I have lost weight, which gives my knee and foot a chance to recuperate. I can walk short distances without my crutches or cane, but my foot is still a problem, which will be dealt with during my appointment at the podiatry clinic when I return from my vacation.

Nevertheless, I still took advantage of a few smooth sunsets, I was gently soothed by the sound of the waves, I enveloped myself in a thick blanket during stormy days, I spent some time with my friends from the Portage and I had a nice visit from Yves, Claude and Bernard as well as Mamie and Dieter.

Created by a talented local artist

Oops! My string festival!

My body still needs to rest, so I must continue at the same pace when I return, but I start teaching on August 24th so I hope with all my heart that my foot will be ready for the first day of school! However, I will only be teaching one day a week and I intend to rest the remainder of the time, even start posting Italian recipes again on my web site? Who knows!

Goodbye for now!


Grand Prix du Canada 2017


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends and loved ones,

Another year, another Grand Prix. Unfortunately, this weekend was spent on my sofa watching the 2017 Canadian Grand Prix race on television…

Last Thursday, after six months of problems and pain in my left foot, my knee had enough of compensating for my limping and I heard “crunch” when I was crossing the street in front of my old school, Collège Marie-de-France, where I was overseeing the Brevet exam of my students.

I had to hop on one leg from the middle of Queen Mary Street to the sidewalk, hoping not to be run over. Luckily, one of my students saw me, ran towards me and offered to accompany me to my car. Having a stick shift, the drive home was painful…

The doctor diagnosed a sprain to my left knee. I now move around on crutches. Unfortunately, I could not see myself going from my place to Stand 1 on île Sainte-Hélène in this state. So I shed a few tears, grieved this year’s Grand Prix and gave my tickets to one of my GP weekend friend’s husband. I was happy he could benefit from them and it warmed my heart and lifted my spirits.

Here are a few pictures of me, my GP gang and the winner, Lewis Hamilton, my prediction for this year. Yeeeesss!

Pitiful state!

My equipment

Nevertheless, I am ready for my Grand Prix
with my t-shirt and this years program
generously given to me by Louis, one of the gang !
Thank you again Louis !
Louis and Hélène the photographer

Hélène and Richard

Hélène and her husband

Jean-Marie, Jonathan and Hélène

The gang without me. Sniff, sniff...

Next stop: Notre-Dame-du-Portage !

Talk to you soon,
