Another Big Change


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I am happy and proud to tell you that I received yesterday the last delivery of decorative accessories and that I have settled in my new place. Here is a sneak peek:

The living room of course

The office
The dining room 

The guest bedroom
The master bedroom 
And the kitchen

I finally feel at home. It’s crazy how curtains in a bedroom can totally change a room and bring comfort to the point of sleeping much better at night…

I have also made a big change, this time for my health. In order to avoid taking medication with troubling side effects, I’ve decided to follow a paleolithic diet. The beautiful and charming nutritionist Olivia Gousse is obviously following me. She is teaching me about the benefits of this diet on my health and more specifically on controlling the inflammation in my body, a problem with important repercussions in my case. This said, I must get used to a diet without bread, potatoes, rice, pasta 😢, legumes, dairy products, any type of refined or other sugars and processed foods and no alcohol 😟. My meals consist of proteins from fish, meats and nuts, eggs, fruits (in small quantities to limit sugar intake), vegetables and good fats (cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, duck fat), all of this either grazing, wild or organic. For now, everything is going well. I must be vigilant and strict for two months in order to repair my intestinal wall and my digestive system in general. I also met a new young, dynamic, mindful and professional doctor, meaning day and night compared to the last idiot I was with…

Therefore I am on the right track. I am happy in my new home, I am happy at work and my body will be happy in the following months.

So this is the latest news. I will write to you soon to tell you about my nutritional progression and my next adventures in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce!



P.S. : Many of you have send me comments via the tool offered on this plateforme which does not always work and I unfortunately have not received all of your messages. Therefore I suggest you answer the email I send you and I will have the pleasure to read you.

A Less Chaotic Life


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

Things are moving along slowly at the apartment. I am grateful for Ti-Claude’s help in setting-up my IKEA bed frame, a job that took longer than planned, as we had to assemble the bed base one slat at a time! Thank you Claude with all my heart!


The kitchen island from Wayfair arrived the next day, as did my mattress from Dormez-vous?

The following weekend, Mamie and Dieter came to help me organize the hallway cupboard packed with sheets, tablecloths and towels, the kitchen and hang frames. To better accept the hard labor, I made them discover my favorite restaurant in the area Pasta Casareccia. I highly recommend this place not only for their exquisite dishes served at the dining room, but also for the counter of in-house products such as stuffed olives, stuffed mushrooms, fresh pasta, takeaway meals and the Zeppole, an Italian pastry made of a fried ball of dough stuffed with ricotta, as well as the magnificent imported Italian tableware sold at a reasonable price.

Fiori de zucchine (delicious!)
Antipasto misto
Fettucini Porto d'Ascoli (the best!)
Spaghetti alle vongole
Spaghetti contadina

I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is 37 degrees in the damn tunnel!!! However, when I keep all the doors and windows closed, the apartment stays cool thanks to the thick walls, courtesy of the 1910-building techniques.

Since August 13th, I am following a weekly shockwave treatment to overcome the calcification problem in my shoulders. The best way to describe the sensation: being hit on my shoulder 2500 times with a hammer! This is my last recourse, so it WILL work.

In the middle of all this, I started teaching last week. I am very happy to once again be among my colleagues, my old students and my new sweeties in their first year of high school.

Now that my life is less chaotic, it will be easier to take time to work on my novel, write my blog and go out and take advantage of the nice weather and good restaurants!

Big kisses to all,
