Portage 2020!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

The moment I heard that the stores in Montreal were opening, I filled my car to the brim to immediately leave the most contaminated city in Canada to go to one of the safest places in Quebec: Notre-Dame-du-Portage.

I left last Friday in my little VW beetle, the top down and every available centimeter covered with my books, my DVDs, my computer and printer, two huge garment bags, only one bag of shoes (yes, I did go easy this year on shoes!), my hats (because of closed hair salons!), a number of bags filled with the content of my fridge and freezer, and 12 bottles from the liquor store, because once at Portage, I will be quarantined for two weeks and the liquor store doesn’t deliver (@&#% !!!). Luckily, I did my groceries at IGA via Internet, which was delivered Saturday morning.

My small car, fully loaded with reading material, clothes, food and bottles of alcohol, was on its usual trajectory towards the Lower St-Lawrence region. I was leaving behind the Covid-19 to find the salty air, the calm and the beautiful view of the river. My level of stress caused by the virus suddenly went down and I could finally get a good night sleep! Unfortunately, when my IGA groceries arrived, a third of what I had ordered was missing:

Osso buco-not available
Flank steak-not available
Bio mushrooms-not available
Bio garlic-not available
Tomato coulis-not available
Pistachios-not available
Smoked salmon-not available
Flower-not available

Everything I had ordered to cook with was not available… Luckily, I had emptied my fridge and freezer in order to stay confined for two weeks! The most surprising was that toilet paper was available!

In conclusion, I have an important quantity of products to make great cocktails but not much to eat!!! So I am looking forward to June 5th to visit the butcher and fishmonger. Every year I usually have lobster as my first meal, but this time it will have to be postponed two weeks. In any case, after my confinement, I will have to return to the liquor store and replenish the bar!

Even if I have only been here four days, the walls and the back door have already been splashed with wine. As I wanted to go out with a glass in my hand, the screen door with its tightened spring slammed right in my face! It was the perfect gesture to bring good luck to the cottage like for a ship going out to sea for the first time.

The liquids
More liquids...
And even more liquids !

My arrival
My first glass of wine (not the one that ended up on the walls!)
Blinded by the sunset

Today, the meteorologists announced 40 degrees in Montreal whereas hare at the cottage, I am freezing my butt off with a few layers of wool! So I wish us all milder weather and a great masked summer!

Big kiss,
