One Month Already!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I’ve been at Notre-Dame-du-Portage for a month now, which has felt like only two weeks. Know that I’ve only returned to the liquor store to buy non-alcoholic sparkling wine. My usual first two weeks of excess caused stomach problems and the new muffin top also stopped me cold!

I started taking jumping lessons again at the Classik riding school five minutes away from the cottage. I’ve already taken two classes in three days. At the end of my first class last Saturday, I had used my leg muscles so much that when I jumped off the horse, my feet touched the ground but my thighs could not support the weight of my body (new muffin tops not helping!) and I found myself lying flat on my back beside my horse, Sparkle, or Papi to his close friends. He turned his head and looked down at me with a curious look as saying, “What are you doing down there!” I could only smile at him. It was the most beautiful day and I was the happiest woman in the world!

My second class was two days later, after which I could not walk anymore without making faces or growling from pain. Once I sat in my car, I had to lift my legs with my hands to properly sit behind the wheel. The worst was to sit and get back up from the toilet bowl. I was able to manage thanks to the walls, the sink, the edge of the bathtub and the doorframes on which I held on for dear life! Funny how we take for granted the simple things in life!

My next class is next Monday and my legs are much better. Here are the pictures taken on my first day. When I am more advanced, I will show you a video of me jumping.

Yesterday was an unusual day. I was sitting on a folding chair on the beach in front of my cottage reviewing chapters from my novel when I heard a helicopter from afar, normal sound at Portage. However, it came closer and closer until it was in front of me to finally land at my neighbors! Here are the pictures taken from my chair.

The vibrations and the sound of the propellers were impressive considering the proximity of the aircraft. I was caught off guard and could only take pictures, as I was busy picking up papers and my hat that flew away. On the other hand, I was able to catch its departure.

Just the engine start-up and the rotation of the propellers gave me goose bumps all over my body. This brought back fond memories from the Coast Guard. I would have liked someone to film me during that time for you to see the huge smile on my face!

Maybe I should take helicopter pilot training next time!

Now let’s be serious for a moment.

It’s been a year now that I don’t recognize myself very well anymore and here’s why: menopause! 😱

I don’t sleep more than four hours a night even with sleeping pills, I have strong palpitations to a point where I think I’m having a heart attack at least three times a day, I am freezing when the heating is at 20oC and have hot flashes, not often, but at the most inappropriate times, I am extremely clumsy where I drop everything, knock myself everywhere (you can imagine the swearing and screams of frustration) and finally, I have way too much extreme mood swings causing an overload of disproportionate lamentations and gesticulations just as the one that overtook my body and mind last week on the corner of St-Pierre and Hôtel de Ville at Rivière-du-Loup.

I was to turn right when the green arrow blinked, but the woman in front of me did not move. I lightly honked a few times to no avail. It is then that I should have stopped and waited patiently for the light to eventually change to green for all, but no… the menopausal that I am now started gesticulating to make her understand that she was in the way. Luckily, my convertible roof was not down!

She got out of her car and pointed to the traffic sign to show me she was in her right to be in that lane. The light changed to red to then turn green. The woman moved forward and I turned right with my arms still in the air. The minute I turned, I realized how I had just acted in front of this poor woman. I had never gotten so annoyed like this before behind the wheel. Yes, I have sometimes honked a little, but I’ve never gotten annoyed to this degree!

I did not recognize myself, but I knew what had provoked my ludicrous behavior: menopause! It does not excuse my actions but I swear to you, I am not myself anymore.

I hope to see this woman again to say I’m sorry and offer her a damn good bottle of wine!

By the way, I did have an appointment to see a gynecologist in April to ask for hormones in order to recognize myself again, but Covid-19 fucked it all up! I will still be out of it until my next appointment in September. Sorry in advance. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😉

Let’s finish on a high note: the magnificent sunsets at Notre-Dame-du-portage!

See you soon, my friends, my loved ones, but I suggest you invite me from October on when I will have started taking hormones, just to be sure! 😏

Big kiss,
