Once Again in Confinement


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,


We are once again in the red and I am not speaking of the world debt, but of the Covid-19 code red! I am again confined to my apartment but I still have my novel, my knitting, my puzzles, my paint by numbers and Netflix to keep me busy.



German lesson

Peint by numbers

which should eventually look like this

But one of the things I miss the most is:


Horse and rider exhausted after 1 hour in 32 degrees

Once back from Portage, I impatiently waited for my appointment at the gynecologist to start hormone therapy and free myself from the strong hold pre-menopause has on my body and mind. Good news, I began taking estrogen and progesterone. But after 7 days, my brain was going to explode due to enormous pressure of a tension cephalalgia caused by the prescribed progesterone. I immediately stopped everything and am unfortunately once again victim of all the symptoms, which, I must admit, have come back with a bang! I am consequently, to this day, still suffering from a pissy mood, hot flashes, waiting for a heart attack to happen from strong heart palpitations, hooked on Tylenol because of frequent headaches and victim of an extreme lack of sleep that accentuates everything!


Here is one way for me to relax a bit…


But good news, after waiting two weeks before speaking to my doctor, pandemic constraint, I will finally begin a different hormonal therapy. It was about time, because my aggressiveness is thriving and I must go see Mamie and Dieter up north… Some symptoms disappear overnight, but for the mood swings, I should accompany my hormones with a few gin tonics not to appear on the front page of the Saint-Sauveur Hello Police!


It is in these moments that I would love to be a man living with male menopause, who just needs Viagra once in a while and a Ducati of the year to get over it! 😂


My friends, my loved ones, I hope you are all in good health and safe. I don’t know what awaits us in the next months, but cheer up, we will, in a year or two, revisit the word as we please and I will finally be able to teach again without worries.

Big kisses,

