The Small Yellow House of St-Lazare

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

The exterior paint of the house is finally finished. It was longer than planned because of rain and the very early morning dew, but here is the result of Sylvain's hard work.

I love it!

With, once again, Yves' help, the bathroom has also been painted.



I also managed to finish my bedroom.


The guest room is unfortunately far from being done because the workmen are swamped and the job has been put back to January 2022!

I also have my office to do...


I love my neighborhood and still have a lot to discover, but here are a few pictures.

A neighbor walking his horse on my street

The geese gathering on a small lake 
two minutes away from my place

Happy Halloween to all!

Big kisses,


Home Sweet Home

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

Dear friends and loved ones,

I have not given you any sing of life since almost four months by omitting to share with you the projects carried out following my great acquisition. The reason for my virtual absence? I drowned in several gallons of paint, but I have finally managed to stick my head out of the shellac and the pure white to give you some news. What better way than by a picture tour.


Preparation for the big departure from NDG


A few weeks of rest at Notre-Dame-du-Portage before the move


Last meal at Geppetto before becoming a Saint-Lazare resident


Arrived at Saint-Lazare without a hitch

Living room: before and after

Dining room: before and after

First meal for my brother André's birthday

Yes, Mamie fell head-first once again !


Kitchen: before and after

Finally a gas stove!

Entrance: before and after

Studio in the basement: Before and after

I must admit that I was unfortunately afflicted with a lack of motivation and acute procrastination when came the time to finish the last coat of paint on the entrance, dining room and living room ceiling… I called for reinforcements: Mononc Yves to the rescue!

Finally finished! Thank you Yves 💝


The beauty and tranquility of Saint-Lazare

 The daily visit of the wild rabbit

The three horses at the end of my street

On a more solemn note, July 31st, we gathered for my brother Jacques' funeral

I still have approximately 50 projects on my to-do list and the exterior painting will begin tomorrow, so I will show you the results on my next blog.


Happy back-to-school to all!

Diane xxx...