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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,


I am sorry to shake you a bit this morning, but the confinement and the curfew are the best things that could happen to us to bring to our attention the advantages of these restrictions. I say this because at my arrival at Notre-Dame-du-Portage, I rediscovered the beauty of silence. Sitting on the riverbank, after the 8 p.m. curfew, I finally could hear the delicate oscillation of the rising tide caressing the rocks. It is the greatest pleasure to be able to appreciate the beauty of nature, of its music, its rhythm. At 8 p.m., no more noise, no more deafening roar of motorcycles, cars, trucks and no more noisy conversations on the sidewalk … just the lullaby of the waves, just happiness, just peace.


For those who love movement, noise and a hectic lifestyle, I understand because I loved that rhythm as well, not so long ago, but the pandemic made me realize that I could not tolerate noise anymore and that I was searching for silence accompanied by the birdsongs and a water stream. It is obviously the reason why I am moving to Saint-Lazare. The only cars I want to hear are the ones on the Gilles Villeneuve circuit! 😉


I wish you all find your balance after this pandemic, which permits us to set a few things straight.




Monaco Grand Prix with a beautiful view of the river

And now Poopoo Portage:


A pizzeria will soon open at the presbytery! A real pizzeria with a wood oven! Miammmmm! I can’t wait to taste it. A new chef was hired at Auberge sur Mer and will offer a new seasonal menu. Finally! But I should be reasonable as I wish to take the summer to lose the 20 pandemic pounds that stick to me! 

I must add that the 20 pounds have mainly taken their place in the last few weeks because my freezer broke and all the food was cold, but unfrozen. I had to cook everything that was raw to then refreeze them in the new freezer, but I could not resist eating the chicken pot pie and the salmon pot pie from the restaurant Au Pied de Cochon, which the main ingredients are butter, butter and butter! 


Food from the freezer I had to cook

More food...

Excellent pot pies!




On a less joyous note, my mother broke her nose again! As she entered the liquor store in Marché Central, she lost her footing and her nose saved her once again! It is a miracle she did not break anything else. She will need to take an insurance policy for this dear nose that, now broken twice, is taking a very important role in her life. She’s always hated her nose, but today, its size is essential!


Poor Mamie... but she's still smiling!


Give her a few weeks and she will regain her beautiful complexion

I am drowning in boxes, but I am ready to move. I have chosen my colors for each room, I chose the flooring for the basement and I even chose a battery lawnmower! Since I am going back home earlier to sign the deed to the house, my brother André will take advantage of the cottage at Portage, followed by Mamie, her nose and Dieter. For now, everything is going great, everything is well organized except for the broken ÃŽle-aux-Tourtes Bridge that is now blocking my access to Saint-Lazare! Luckily, I can take Highway 20, except if the Turcot interchange is closed for repairs!


My friends, my loved ones, I will speak to you again soon with, I hope, fewer pounds…


Big kiss,

