Winter is Almost Over!

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

Many things have happened since my last blog of January 1st.

I found once again the pleasure of making fresh pasta:

I have finished a few more paintings:

I keep on riding my stallion Onyx and it still brings me much pleasure to be surrounded by horses, but in the meantime, I have also dealt with a few aches and pains:

A mix of a trigger finger and a pinky stuck between my crop and Onyx!

Water in my left knee that unfortunately drowns every two weeks !

A persistant sty!

A really shitty beginning of 2022!

But life is still beautiful!

Now that winter is almost behind us (I really hate that season!) and that I keep on pursuing my favorite hobbies, I realize that something very important is still missing … students. 

After two years and eight months of pedagogical inaction, I miss teaching math and interacting with my students, miss their smile and the sparkle in their eyes when they understand what I’m explaining to them. Those are the moments that bring me the most joy, so after mailing flyers offering my services as a tutor, I immediately received six calls, which four of them have confirmed and there you have it, the teacher in me is back!

You all know that I have been teaching all my life, but since you have never seen me teach, it is hard for you to understand how much it brings me happiness and how much I was born to teach. The best way I can share with you my passion for my students and this profession is to show you a few letters among more than fifty, each as beautiful as these, received not that long ago (sorry, I only have letters in French!):

When I reread these letters, it brings tears to my eyes because I miss my sweethearts, I miss the beautiful times spent together and the pride I feel for them and for their success. I always hope to make a difference in their lives by helping them get better and even for some, help them reach their career goals.

Today, I have the tranquility of Saint-Lazare, where I am surrounded by birds singing and geese arriving from their vacation down south. I hear the rhythmic music of the horses’ steps as they take their daily walk in front of my house. I have the pleasure of taking riding lessons to perfect my skills in an activity that fulfills me and now, I have the great pleasure of teaching fantastic students who will be very proud of themselves and their accomplishments.

However, because of my recurrent knee problems, I don’t think I can teach in a classroom again. I am grieving, but to counter this disappointment, I am seriously thinking of completing a bachelor’s degree in translation with a “Tourism and Leisure” thematic. I would get equivalencies from my McGill certificate in translation, which confirmed my interest in this field, and I could study during the day while teaching at night. I would really see myself translating travel guides… 🤔 Anything is possible…

My friends, my loved ones, I’m looking forward to seeing you in my garden in Saint-Lazare and until then, have a great spring!

Big kiss,
