Canadian Grand Prix 2022! It Was About Time!

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,


Sorry for the delay, but I needed a few days post-Grand Prix for my heart to get over all the emotions and for my body to get over three days of moving around! The best way for me to describe my Canadian Grand Prix 2022 weekend is by “photorama.”

And we're off!

Hélène, Louis and I are happy to be back.

Ok, we are really happy to be back, even under the rain!

Always happy to see Richard from Vancouver.

Some do not make it to the end... amateurs!

The weekend is over. See you next year!

DJ was impatiently waiting for us.

Thank you Hélène and Louis for an extraordinary weekend! Also, a special thank you to Serge, Hélène's husband, who prepared our lunches, our dinners, our drinks and who took good care of us all weekend! Big thanks!

I am now at Notre-Dame-du-Portage to rest, paint and eat!

Diane xxx...