April 24th: Quarantined for a Month Now


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

A few ideas come to mind on this beautiful spring birthday:

1.     My iPhone does not recognize my fingerprints anymore because I wash my hands so often! I have to start entering my code again! Ah, come on ! 😡 Yes, I have become very lazy!
2.     I would like drive-ins to reopen. We don’t run into anyone, we eat what we bring, which is much cheaper than what they sell, and we can booze up! 
3.     I wash my body less as I do absolutely nothing all day!
4.     I have an apoplexy fit when I think of going outside! So I procrastinate doing errands. 😷
5.     I am so set on not going out that I buy a huge amount of groceries, I cook and freeze everything for it to last me 3 weeks!
6.     I have never stretched as much the use of toilet paper rolls! 😳
7.     I have never made puzzles and knitted so much in my life!

8.     I only think of one thing: be confined at Notre-Dame-du-Portage. At least the view is better!

9.     I’ve always hated winter, but today, I hate it even more because it is too cold for me to sit on my balcony!
10. I’m learning to slow down…
11. Exactly 10 years ago, to the day, I was headed for the first time to Italy, Positano to be more specific, a few days after the eruption of the volcano in Iceland: plain diverted, very long trip, but I sat at a restaurant in Positano on April 24th at 11:20 p.m.! Just in time to celebrate!

12. No trip for my birthday this year. I will just close my eyes and image I'm there?
13. I am very happy not to have my hair colored or else I would look like hell! 😱
14. I am happy to be scared to go outside or else I would always be at the liquor store and I would weigh 300 pounds! 
15. Usually, I like having people around I can talk to, but these days, I look at everyone getting too close to me with the dirty look!
16. I must admit I love the silence on Notre-Dame-de-Grace Avenue during this quarantine. I can now sleep with the windows open! It is more peaceful!

17. I must admit that I sympathize with the planet that has a little bit of time to take a breath and with the sky that is finally clear.
18. As most families in Quebec, I have started once again to bake Ricardo’s oven baked bread. In times of confinement, f@#& paleo!

19. I know I can’t touch my eyes, my nose, my mouth, but can we touch other parts during this difficult time??? 😂😉

Even if I am alone for my birthday, I recognize that I am very privileged to be able to stay in quarantine without worries and I am not complaining because many families are living through much more difficult things. Also, I will not be totally alone as I will take advantage of FaceTime for cocktail hour and my neighbors have left me a surprise this morning as they sang happy birthday:

I ask all of you to be careful, don't take any chances so you can stay healthy, it would be the best birthday gift you could offer me.

Big kiss,
