Happy New Year 2021!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

I think I can easily say that, for the majority of people, 2020 was an annus horribilis on steroids!

So, I have decided not to go back to the past by talking about my booboos and of all that was negative this year, but start 2021 on the right foot with good news:

·      The majority of us will probably have received the vaccine by fall 2021, except the naysayers that will prevent the curve from flattening completely. Dr. Arruda and Pa (our PM’s nickname during the pandemic) won’t be happy!

·      We will surely still be wearing a mask until the end of the year, but with a less critical look towards the stranger that is getting too close to us at the market;

·      Some will continue to wear the mask to hide their moods, their bad breath, their dirty teeth, their cold sore or the zit on their nose;

·      We will probably keep our distances until the end of the year, as we have gotten used to the new diameter of our bubble and let’s be honest, we will still be scared of flying droplets of saliva;

·      We will probably be able to travel at the end of the year, but only by rubbing all surfaces we find in our bubble with our disinfectant wipes and I strongly think that we will also have a desperate need to also rub our neighbor;

·      Thanks to Plexiglas, we will, come fall, safely eat in our favorite restaurants and we will be able to spit, sneeze and cough without causing hysteria at the table next to ours;

·      We will finally be able to use six squares of toilet paper instead of three to graduate to nine at the end of the year;

·      We will continue to wash our hands 15 times a day and keep with us at all times a bottle of Purell now knowing that the germs on the toilet were nothing compared to the staggering number of bacteria that surrounds us the minute we step outside;

·      We will stop making bread and mostly we will stop eating so much of it!

·      Some will have greatly appreciated the obligatory teleworking and will want to continue this way of earning a living having loved the chance of teleconferencing in their underwear;

·      Come fall, we will take care of ourselves by losing the 20 pounds that are firmly settled on our buttocks and hips, fat accumulated during the last two years of stress, inactivity, boredom and carelessness;

·      For those who have found it very difficult to be confined will finally be free of this solitude and will be able to strut freely the minute they are vaccinated, disinfected and certified;

·       Our budget for the liquor store will considerably diminish at the end of the year, but the spending at restaurants will skyrocket because we are really fed up of cooking three meals a day, seven days a week, or to eat cold take-out that doesn’t even come with a bottle of wine!

·      To celebrate our new freedom, we will start inviting friends for good dinners with lots of wine, but it will still be too soon to kiss the person sitting to our right when dropping our piece of bread in the fondue pot;

·      Come fall, parents will be able to stop revising their high school math and grammar rules to keep up with homeschooling as the brats will be back to school;

·      We will not need to put our names on our wine glasses any longer during cocktails as we will always have the reflex of keeping an eye open for the little rascal that would dare touch our things;

·      I hope that at the end of 2021, I will be able to sit at the Geppetto restaurant bar reading a good book while eating the excellent pizza alla pancetta with a good bottle of red wine (white if I still have hot flashes!).


So, regarding my wishes and predictions for 2021, I can only wish us a better year than 2020 and hope that a few, if not all of the items mentioned above are fulfilled without complications!


Before I leave you, here are a few pictures from my 2020 Christmas:



Happy New Year my friends, my loved ones!


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