Happy New Year 2023!

NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

Ah, yes, another year gone by! This one was full of physical challenges and let me explain why.


Pinky finger fractured when caught between the reins, my crop and the beautiful horse Onyx's withers. A splint for a month.

Trigger thumb preventing me from doing anything with my left hand for a few months.


A big stye in my right eye healed after five days of really greasy ointment.


Accumulation of water in my knee after a much too long walk. Once the water removed, rest for a few weeks.


After my big fall from galloping Onyx, I found myself at the emergency with a hair line fracture on one of my hip bones and a bruise on my right butt cheek the size of a giant inflatable balloon. Estimated healing time: 3 months. Real healing time: 8 months. 


Despite my fracture, nothing was going to stop me from going to the first Canadian F1 Grand Prix since 2019. Crutches, seat cushion and morphine pills in hand, I managed to get there and to have huge fun for three days, but on the third day, the bra underwires dug into my skin because of the friction caused by the crutches under my armpits. My boobies needed to be free for a week.



Finally, I rest at Portage to catch covid on the third week. Fever, cough and impossibility to swallow even my saliva for four days. My stay at Portage was shortened. The covid symptoms, such as fatigue and physical aches and pains, lasted two months. 


Intense pain in my colon for unknown reasons. I eliminate from my diet all dairy products, all products containing gluten, sugar, as well as onions, garlic, broccoli, well anything that causes gas, coffee and alcohol, and I added probiotics and fiber for two months. At least, it was a success!


Arrhythmia and palpitations to the point of going to the hospital thinking that my heart would explode. An ECG, a blood test and a Holter for 48 hours later, no problem of blocked arteries. Fiouf! 


The arrhythmia maybe being a side effect of my hormone therapy, I change to bio-identical hormones, now covered by insurance thanks to Véronique Cloutier (popular artist)! I already feel a difference. But to be on the safe side, I will follow once again a healthy diet, drink only decaf and no more alcohol for a few months in 2023 😢. 

Beautiful moments:

Despite this crazy year, I still experienced beautiful moments.

I saw two shows at the Place des Arts. 

I planted a small vegetable garden with lettuce, green cherry tomatoes, small chilly peppers and mini-eggplants. 

I love eating the vegetables and fresh herbs from my garden, but unfortunately, the squirrels quickly discovered the all you can eat buffet, so I would like a small greenhouse next summer to control the damages. 

I installed on my own a rain water barrel and took full advantage of my garden. 

I am very happy to be surrounded by trees, which brings me a lot of serenity. 

Serenity now!

I managed to finish the basement and the guest bedroom, I even repainted my bedroom for a more pleasing finish.  

Basement, painting studio

Guest bedroom

The new master mistress bedroom 😉

This fall, I enrolled at the UQTR for their on-line bachelor's degree in translation. All classes from my completed translation certificate from McGill being credited, I can become a certified translator in no time. 

Mamie and Dieter finally sold their house and moved in an apartment in Saint-Jérôme. I helped them by taking care of the pre-move, meaning packing boxes and being there for the move, and my brother, André, and I assembled the two new beds.

Even the deer came to say goodbye on the last day.

And we ended the day in front of a warm fire.

Dieter's daughters and their husbands took care of the after-move and unpacked all the boxes, placed the furniture and the carpets, hung the paintings, installed and configured all electronic appliances (take note that the following pictures were taken before the hanging of the paintings and curtains).

A new phase in their lives

It was a big change for them, but no more maintaining a huge house, no more climbing up the icy hill and no more continuous shoveling.

Finally, I am still very happy in my new house and I even received for Christmas.

My friends, my loved ones, I wish us all a beautiful new year 2023, a not so harsh winter, a very restful summer and more importantly, a quiet year as regards to our health, and you now understand why I insist on the last wish! 

Big kisses,


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