Once Again in Confinement


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,


We are once again in the red and I am not speaking of the world debt, but of the Covid-19 code red! I am again confined to my apartment but I still have my novel, my knitting, my puzzles, my paint by numbers and Netflix to keep me busy.



German lesson

Peint by numbers

which should eventually look like this

But one of the things I miss the most is:


Horse and rider exhausted after 1 hour in 32 degrees

Once back from Portage, I impatiently waited for my appointment at the gynecologist to start hormone therapy and free myself from the strong hold pre-menopause has on my body and mind. Good news, I began taking estrogen and progesterone. But after 7 days, my brain was going to explode due to enormous pressure of a tension cephalalgia caused by the prescribed progesterone. I immediately stopped everything and am unfortunately once again victim of all the symptoms, which, I must admit, have come back with a bang! I am consequently, to this day, still suffering from a pissy mood, hot flashes, waiting for a heart attack to happen from strong heart palpitations, hooked on Tylenol because of frequent headaches and victim of an extreme lack of sleep that accentuates everything!


Here is one way for me to relax a bit…


But good news, after waiting two weeks before speaking to my doctor, pandemic constraint, I will finally begin a different hormonal therapy. It was about time, because my aggressiveness is thriving and I must go see Mamie and Dieter up north… Some symptoms disappear overnight, but for the mood swings, I should accompany my hormones with a few gin tonics not to appear on the front page of the Saint-Sauveur Hello Police!


It is in these moments that I would love to be a man living with male menopause, who just needs Viagra once in a while and a Ducati of the year to get over it! 😂


My friends, my loved ones, I hope you are all in good health and safe. I don’t know what awaits us in the next months, but cheer up, we will, in a year or two, revisit the word as we please and I will finally be able to teach again without worries.

Big kisses,





My Brother Jacques


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,


Last Friday, July 31, my brother Jacques Lafontaine passed away following complications related to diabetes. He was very sick, his heart had become too weak and his body was worn out. He fell into a deep sleep and left us.


I offer my most sincere condolences to Anne, who has lost the man with whom she shared her life for almost twenty years, to Olivier, who has lost his father at such a young age and to his mother, Réjeanne, who has lost a piece of herself when she learned of the death of one of her three children, but rest assured that André and I will stay by her side to comfort her.


 Jacques Lafontaine



One Month Already!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

I’ve been at Notre-Dame-du-Portage for a month now, which has felt like only two weeks. Know that I’ve only returned to the liquor store to buy non-alcoholic sparkling wine. My usual first two weeks of excess caused stomach problems and the new muffin top also stopped me cold!

I started taking jumping lessons again at the Classik riding school five minutes away from the cottage. I’ve already taken two classes in three days. At the end of my first class last Saturday, I had used my leg muscles so much that when I jumped off the horse, my feet touched the ground but my thighs could not support the weight of my body (new muffin tops not helping!) and I found myself lying flat on my back beside my horse, Sparkle, or Papi to his close friends. He turned his head and looked down at me with a curious look as saying, “What are you doing down there!” I could only smile at him. It was the most beautiful day and I was the happiest woman in the world!

My second class was two days later, after which I could not walk anymore without making faces or growling from pain. Once I sat in my car, I had to lift my legs with my hands to properly sit behind the wheel. The worst was to sit and get back up from the toilet bowl. I was able to manage thanks to the walls, the sink, the edge of the bathtub and the doorframes on which I held on for dear life! Funny how we take for granted the simple things in life!

My next class is next Monday and my legs are much better. Here are the pictures taken on my first day. When I am more advanced, I will show you a video of me jumping.

Yesterday was an unusual day. I was sitting on a folding chair on the beach in front of my cottage reviewing chapters from my novel when I heard a helicopter from afar, normal sound at Portage. However, it came closer and closer until it was in front of me to finally land at my neighbors! Here are the pictures taken from my chair.

The vibrations and the sound of the propellers were impressive considering the proximity of the aircraft. I was caught off guard and could only take pictures, as I was busy picking up papers and my hat that flew away. On the other hand, I was able to catch its departure.

Just the engine start-up and the rotation of the propellers gave me goose bumps all over my body. This brought back fond memories from the Coast Guard. I would have liked someone to film me during that time for you to see the huge smile on my face!

Maybe I should take helicopter pilot training next time!

Now let’s be serious for a moment.

It’s been a year now that I don’t recognize myself very well anymore and here’s why: menopause! 😱

I don’t sleep more than four hours a night even with sleeping pills, I have strong palpitations to a point where I think I’m having a heart attack at least three times a day, I am freezing when the heating is at 20oC and have hot flashes, not often, but at the most inappropriate times, I am extremely clumsy where I drop everything, knock myself everywhere (you can imagine the swearing and screams of frustration) and finally, I have way too much extreme mood swings causing an overload of disproportionate lamentations and gesticulations just as the one that overtook my body and mind last week on the corner of St-Pierre and Hôtel de Ville at Rivière-du-Loup.

I was to turn right when the green arrow blinked, but the woman in front of me did not move. I lightly honked a few times to no avail. It is then that I should have stopped and waited patiently for the light to eventually change to green for all, but no… the menopausal that I am now started gesticulating to make her understand that she was in the way. Luckily, my convertible roof was not down!

She got out of her car and pointed to the traffic sign to show me she was in her right to be in that lane. The light changed to red to then turn green. The woman moved forward and I turned right with my arms still in the air. The minute I turned, I realized how I had just acted in front of this poor woman. I had never gotten so annoyed like this before behind the wheel. Yes, I have sometimes honked a little, but I’ve never gotten annoyed to this degree!

I did not recognize myself, but I knew what had provoked my ludicrous behavior: menopause! It does not excuse my actions but I swear to you, I am not myself anymore.

I hope to see this woman again to say I’m sorry and offer her a damn good bottle of wine!

By the way, I did have an appointment to see a gynecologist in April to ask for hormones in order to recognize myself again, but Covid-19 fucked it all up! I will still be out of it until my next appointment in September. Sorry in advance. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😉

Let’s finish on a high note: the magnificent sunsets at Notre-Dame-du-portage!

See you soon, my friends, my loved ones, but I suggest you invite me from October on when I will have started taking hormones, just to be sure! 😏

Big kiss,


Portage 2020!


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

The moment I heard that the stores in Montreal were opening, I filled my car to the brim to immediately leave the most contaminated city in Canada to go to one of the safest places in Quebec: Notre-Dame-du-Portage.

I left last Friday in my little VW beetle, the top down and every available centimeter covered with my books, my DVDs, my computer and printer, two huge garment bags, only one bag of shoes (yes, I did go easy this year on shoes!), my hats (because of closed hair salons!), a number of bags filled with the content of my fridge and freezer, and 12 bottles from the liquor store, because once at Portage, I will be quarantined for two weeks and the liquor store doesn’t deliver (@&#% !!!). Luckily, I did my groceries at IGA via Internet, which was delivered Saturday morning.

My small car, fully loaded with reading material, clothes, food and bottles of alcohol, was on its usual trajectory towards the Lower St-Lawrence region. I was leaving behind the Covid-19 to find the salty air, the calm and the beautiful view of the river. My level of stress caused by the virus suddenly went down and I could finally get a good night sleep! Unfortunately, when my IGA groceries arrived, a third of what I had ordered was missing:

Osso buco-not available
Flank steak-not available
Bio mushrooms-not available
Bio garlic-not available
Tomato coulis-not available
Pistachios-not available
Smoked salmon-not available
Flower-not available

Everything I had ordered to cook with was not available… Luckily, I had emptied my fridge and freezer in order to stay confined for two weeks! The most surprising was that toilet paper was available!

In conclusion, I have an important quantity of products to make great cocktails but not much to eat!!! So I am looking forward to June 5th to visit the butcher and fishmonger. Every year I usually have lobster as my first meal, but this time it will have to be postponed two weeks. In any case, after my confinement, I will have to return to the liquor store and replenish the bar!

Even if I have only been here four days, the walls and the back door have already been splashed with wine. As I wanted to go out with a glass in my hand, the screen door with its tightened spring slammed right in my face! It was the perfect gesture to bring good luck to the cottage like for a ship going out to sea for the first time.

The liquids
More liquids...
And even more liquids !

My arrival
My first glass of wine (not the one that ended up on the walls!)
Blinded by the sunset

Today, the meteorologists announced 40 degrees in Montreal whereas hare at the cottage, I am freezing my butt off with a few layers of wool! So I wish us all milder weather and a great masked summer!

Big kiss,


April 24th: Quarantined for a Month Now


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My appetite for Italy

My friends, my loved ones,

A few ideas come to mind on this beautiful spring birthday:

1.     My iPhone does not recognize my fingerprints anymore because I wash my hands so often! I have to start entering my code again! Ah, come on ! 😡 Yes, I have become very lazy!
2.     I would like drive-ins to reopen. We don’t run into anyone, we eat what we bring, which is much cheaper than what they sell, and we can booze up! 
3.     I wash my body less as I do absolutely nothing all day!
4.     I have an apoplexy fit when I think of going outside! So I procrastinate doing errands. 😷
5.     I am so set on not going out that I buy a huge amount of groceries, I cook and freeze everything for it to last me 3 weeks!
6.     I have never stretched as much the use of toilet paper rolls! 😳
7.     I have never made puzzles and knitted so much in my life!

8.     I only think of one thing: be confined at Notre-Dame-du-Portage. At least the view is better!

9.     I’ve always hated winter, but today, I hate it even more because it is too cold for me to sit on my balcony!
10. I’m learning to slow down…
11. Exactly 10 years ago, to the day, I was headed for the first time to Italy, Positano to be more specific, a few days after the eruption of the volcano in Iceland: plain diverted, very long trip, but I sat at a restaurant in Positano on April 24th at 11:20 p.m.! Just in time to celebrate!

12. No trip for my birthday this year. I will just close my eyes and image I'm there?
13. I am very happy not to have my hair colored or else I would look like hell! 😱
14. I am happy to be scared to go outside or else I would always be at the liquor store and I would weigh 300 pounds! 
15. Usually, I like having people around I can talk to, but these days, I look at everyone getting too close to me with the dirty look!
16. I must admit I love the silence on Notre-Dame-de-Grace Avenue during this quarantine. I can now sleep with the windows open! It is more peaceful!

17. I must admit that I sympathize with the planet that has a little bit of time to take a breath and with the sky that is finally clear.
18. As most families in Quebec, I have started once again to bake Ricardo’s oven baked bread. In times of confinement, f@#& paleo!

19. I know I can’t touch my eyes, my nose, my mouth, but can we touch other parts during this difficult time??? 😂😉

Even if I am alone for my birthday, I recognize that I am very privileged to be able to stay in quarantine without worries and I am not complaining because many families are living through much more difficult things. Also, I will not be totally alone as I will take advantage of FaceTime for cocktail hour and my neighbors have left me a surprise this morning as they sang happy birthday:

I ask all of you to be careful, don't take any chances so you can stay healthy, it would be the best birthday gift you could offer me.

Big kiss,


F1 Grand Prix 2020 Season


NOUVELLE OPTION: Version française

My friends, my loved ones,

The whole world being under quarantine as to consciously participate in the elimination of THE Corona, I am living through Grand Prix withdrawal, to the point of having to watch last night the recording of the 2019 Italian Grand Prix in Monza to reduce the acute symptoms I am suffering from and I was as excited and thrilled as the day I was there! I must hang in there because the F1 season will only begin at the end of May, provisional date! For those who are also living a withdrawal, RDS is rebroadcasting the 2019 Grand Prix. This morning, we had a special treat with the Australian Grand Prix as well as the pre-race coverage but I also wanted to share with you the highlights of the Italian Grand Prix I had the privilege of attending last fall. Take good care of yourself and good cocooning!

P1: Charles Leclerc
P2: Lewis Hamilton

Body covered in goosebumps... still gets me every time!

Picture taken at the Montreal GP, but the smile was the same in Monza!